Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Mistakes committed while performing Hajj &Umrah

Mistakes during Tawaf:

1.      While performing an Umrah pilgrim recites certain supplications from certain guides or books which is wrong for following reasons:

·         If it is not a sunnah then it must be avoided
·         Reading or reciting in loud can troubles and distracts other pilgrims

2.      Kissing the corner of Kaabah (Yamani) is not recommended rather it should only be touched with hands and it is the Black Stone that should be kissed..
3.      Some pilgrims push others to be able to reach the Black Stone to touch and kiss it which is not permissible therefore, it is enough to point at it without pushing others.

Mistakes while Trimming & Cutting Hairs:

Some pilgrims just cut a little portion of their hair which is not enough and which does not fulfill the ritual. Cutting hairs means to cut hairs of whole head.

Mistakes While standing in Arafat

·         Pilgrims do not pay attention on the border line of Arafat. It is important because a pilgrim must stand within the border line of Arafat otherwise his Hajj / Umrah will be invalid.
·         Pilgrims believe that climbing the mountain Ar-Rahma is an obligation. Due to which they strive hard to achieve this aim but it is not required to do this. Rather, standing within the boundary of Arafat is enough.
·         Some pilgrims leave 'Arafah before sunset which is not permissible because the time of departure is determined to be after sunset.

Mistakes at Muzdalifah:

When a pilgrim arrives at Muzdalifah, he prays sunset and night prayers together. He stays the night there then supplicates Allah till sunrise. After that, he leaves to Mina. People who have excuses especially women, old men, children and their caretakers are permitted to leave after midnight. However, there are some mistakes committed in this ritual as some pilgrims do not make sure that they are within the borders of Muzdalifah; thus, they stay the night outside it. Other pilgrims leaves Muzdalifah before midnight and do not stay the night there. Whoever does not stay the night at Muzdalifah without a reasonable excuse should slaughter a sacrifice as expiation, should repent and ask Allah to forgive him for he abandoned one of the obligations of Hajj.

Mistakes While Throwing pebbles At Jamarat

·         Some pilgrims throw pebbles anytime disregarding the specific time for them. Whoever throw pebbles before their specified times should repeat it again on the specified time or it will not be accepted.
·         Some pilgrims do not adhere to the order of the three Jamraat i.e. starting with the major or the middle pebbles. This is wrong as pilgrims should start with the minor then the middle and finally the major one.
·         Some pilgrims throw pebbles at a place other than the Jamrah basin such as throwing the pebbles from a distance so they do not fall in the basin. This is not counted and he has to repeat it again Following mistakes must be prohibited:
Ø  Throwing the pebbles of the second and third days of Tashreeq with the first one then travel without fulfilling Hajj rituals.
Ø  Throwing the pebbles of the first day of Tashreeq only and authorize someone to throw the remaining pebbles on behalf of them.

For cheap Umrah Deals you can contact us by visiting here at our Website. You can also call us as well if you need in depth details.

The Obligations of Saey

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